Shahinaz launched her career with Egypt's shortlived talent search program Starmaker. Her first song was a hit cover of Anna Vissi's To Poly Poly, titled Oulli Oulli. Her debut album, Ala Eih, met with some success also, but it was Aheb A'ishlak that truly made audiences pay attention to this rare talent. Shahinaz's sophomore album is full of defining hits hits: the dramatic Aheb A'ishlak, the heartbreaking Malnash Makan, and Kaman Kaman, which was recently covered by Turkish singer Günce Koral. Look before the surface however, and there are even more gems to be found, like Habibi Bashtaq Elik, Lazem Tigi, and Men Gheir Ma Tehlef. Musicians on the album include Mohamed Rifai, Adam Hussein, Tamer Ali, Karim Abdel Wahab, Osama El Hindi, Tarek Tawakol, and Tamer Ashour.
1. Kaman Kaman
2. Habibi Bashtaq Elik
3. Bi Ban Fe Eineik
4. Ez El Fouraq
5. Malnash Makan
6. Lazem Tigi
7. Aheb A'ishlak
8. Men Gheir Ma Tehlef
9. Kaman Kaman [Remix]
256 Kbps + Covers